ISCT’s Field of Dreams – what is all the fundraising for?

The dream is to change this… 

…to this!     


A multi purpose sports facility that all ISCT students can enjoy.

The area to be covered will be 80 x 29 m – each sport will have their own colour lines on which to play.

  • Soccer – the field will be divided into two 7 aside fields accommodating both girls and boys soccer.
  • The field will have 4 netball courts.
  • Athletics lines can be added when needed.
  • PE classes will be held on the new  playing field.

Why raise funds for a new multi-sports facility?

  • Safety – ISCT currently does 15 trips per week to the local Military base with 109 students requiring off site transport on the busiest day.
  • Improved on-site facilities – the new field will enable ISCT to host matches and encourage more children to play.
  • On-site matches will ease the burden on the school and parents for transporting pupils.
  • Break time activities –  children can be active though out the day.
  • Health and safety – a cleaner, safer and more enjoyable play area for our children.

How much money do we need to raise?

Over 2 million Rand is required to complete this project.  ISCT has secured support from the Educational Trust based in the UK, but ISCT must also fundraise.

What has been achieved so far?

Funds raised by the Big Walk 2019 were used to turf the Middle Tier of Woodland Heights fields.  This area is now a smart, beautiful and easily-maintained surface.  The new surface requires so little maintenance that ground-staff’s time is freed up to manage our luscious gardens.


What next?

Funds raised at the Founders’ Day Spring Fair will go towards the astro turf for the Lower Tier, with the exception of funds for KS1 STEAM project and Y11’s own initiatives.  This year we took the decision to sell tickets to the Spring Fair for the first time, to get investment from  corporate event sponsors, and to elevate the Fair to a new level of entertainment.

We aim to continue our relationships with our sponsors and develop advertising hoards around the field.

Sport and the future of South Africa

ISCT believes in the future of South Africa and we believe the best way to move SA forward is  by providing our children with a holistic education, one built around academia and supported by both cultural and sporting facilities. Providing our children with this holistic approach to education will equip them with skills needed to face an ever-changing work place.

Sport and recreation are beneficial for all communities:

  1. Brings people together, providing opportunities for social interaction.
  2. Empowers, inspires and motivates individuals.
  3. Keeps kids away from the TV or computer screen!
  4. Kids who participate learn better and are more likely to enjoy school.
  5. Improves mental health.
  6. Creates positive alternatives to youth offending, antisocial behaviour and crime.
  7. Provides a vehicle for inclusion, drawing together people of different races, religions and cultures.
  8. Contributes to higher levels of self-esteem and self-worth.
  9. Sport and recreation facilities are the hub of community life.
  10. Provides school/life balance.
  11. Binds families and communities through shared experiences.
  12. Helps shape our character and pride.
  13. Promotes a healthy, active lifestyle.
  14. Develops life skills and leadership abilities.
  15. Provides a sense of belonging.
  16. Fosters community pride.
  17. Contributes to lifelong learning.
  18. Great opportunities for networking.